Well, It's official, we are a family!! We are so happy! December 19 Jackie and I were married. Life has been so much fun since then! We are all very blessed. God is a good God!! Our profile picture is our first picture as an official family!
We had a great holiday! The credit union hosted a night with Santa. Taylor wouldn't set on Santa's lap at the mall, but she did that night! When we talk about Santa now, she says, "Lap, Candy Cane, Present, HO HO HO!" It's so funny the stuff she says. She did sit on his lap, get a candy cane, and a present! It was a really fun night!

This is all the loot Taylor got at my parent's house. On Christmas Eve, according to Maples Tradition, we open all the presents that we got for each other. Taylor got to be Santa this year, it's a huge honor. Santa passes all the gifts out and everyone gets a pile. Then we go around the circle one at a time so that everyone sees what everyone else got. It's so much fun! I love this tradition! Look at all those boxes!!

This is what Santa brought Taylor. It was so much fun to see her face when she saw the bike and Elmo. I got a great video, but not too many snapshots. My resolution this year is to take more video of this funny girl. Taylor also got big girl panties. She loves to wear them over her pull-up, it's so cute!

Santa brought her an Elmo live. It's so funny. The more we play with him, the more he says. He tells jokes and stories and laughs and even sits down.

The Saturday after Christmas, Cindy, Josh, Emma and Cole all came over to stay and celebrate the holiday. There were a lot of people in our tiny apartment, but it was a blast!! We played games and the kids had a blast hanging out together. Emma and Taylor played blocks a lot. The living room got really messy, really fast, but it was so worth it!!

It snowed on Saturday morning. It didn't stick around too long, but it was a real treat and the kids loved it. It was cold, but made for a pretty picture. This is looking out our apartment window.

At the mall, Josh and Cindy rented one of these strollers. It was so much fun for the kiddos to ride in, and saved us from having to carry them. We spent lots of time switching them out. Cole liked to pull Taylor's hair. We had such a great time, please come see us again!!
We had a great holiday! The credit union hosted a night with Santa. Taylor wouldn't set on Santa's lap at the mall, but she did that night! When we talk about Santa now, she says, "Lap, Candy Cane, Present, HO HO HO!" It's so funny the stuff she says. She did sit on his lap, get a candy cane, and a present! It was a really fun night!
Here's a picture of our first Christmas tree. There were so many presents! It was a great holiday. The packages were so pretty. I love to make big beautiful bows and matching paper. Taylor did really good about not touching the decorations. She would get just as close as she possibly could and then say, "no touch!" It was really funny! Jackie did such an awesome job of helping me decorate everything. We had a very well lit apartment! It was so pretty!

This is all the loot Taylor got at my parent's house. On Christmas Eve, according to Maples Tradition, we open all the presents that we got for each other. Taylor got to be Santa this year, it's a huge honor. Santa passes all the gifts out and everyone gets a pile. Then we go around the circle one at a time so that everyone sees what everyone else got. It's so much fun! I love this tradition! Look at all those boxes!!
G G and Granddad got these tennis shoes for Taylor and she wanted to put them on right away. Yes, that is our daughter putting her shoes on all by herself! It was so cute. I guess she had to try them out and make sure they made her run fast enough! She loves shoes, she comes by it honestly, just look in my closet, Chickie's closet, and Mema's closet!

This is what Santa brought Taylor. It was so much fun to see her face when she saw the bike and Elmo. I got a great video, but not too many snapshots. My resolution this year is to take more video of this funny girl. Taylor also got big girl panties. She loves to wear them over her pull-up, it's so cute!
Santa brought her an Elmo live. It's so funny. The more we play with him, the more he says. He tells jokes and stories and laughs and even sits down.
The Saturday after Christmas, Cindy, Josh, Emma and Cole all came over to stay and celebrate the holiday. There were a lot of people in our tiny apartment, but it was a blast!! We played games and the kids had a blast hanging out together. Emma and Taylor played blocks a lot. The living room got really messy, really fast, but it was so worth it!!
I put rollers in Emma's hair, but they didn't stay too well. It was still cute and she had a blast! Taylor gets rollers all the time, so she was glad to see someone else get them too!!

It snowed on Saturday morning. It didn't stick around too long, but it was a real treat and the kids loved it. It was cold, but made for a pretty picture. This is looking out our apartment window.
At the mall, Josh and Cindy rented one of these strollers. It was so much fun for the kiddos to ride in, and saved us from having to carry them. We spent lots of time switching them out. Cole liked to pull Taylor's hair. We had such a great time, please come see us again!!
So, we had a great end to 2008! We rang the New Year in with my parents playing game after game of FARKEL. It's our new favorite game. It's really easy and very addictive.
School has started again for me, so it's crazy around the Smith house. We have had our share of sickness lately too. We spend Friday night in the ER with Taylor. She had a fever of 105.9. I have had strep throat. We went to Taylor's dr on Monday and then again today. It is confirmed she has RSV. Instead of admitting her to the hospital right away, we are doing breathing treatments at home every two hours. We go back in the morning to check her progress. So, please pray for her. She is one sick little girl, but she is surrounded by lots of love now!
So, Happy 2009! Please enjoy our blog, I will try to keep it updated as often as possible!