Over the 4th of July we took some kids from church camping for three days at Lake McKenzie. We had so much fun. It was a lot of work, but overall we all had a blast! These kids had been camping, but had never slept in a tent, only cabins. We all slept in our big tent, which was interesting!
We grilled out burgers and hotdogs and smores. Taylor fell on the first day and burned her leg on the grill. It was so scary. It was a bad burn. Thankfully it's healed up now. She will have a scar but God definately answered our prayers that it was not more severe.
We went fishing. The kids loved the minnows. Taylor wanted to free hers, so she did.
Great pic of them fishing.
Jackie did a great job trying to teach Taylor. We spent a lot of time baiting hooks and untangling lines. We made a few serious fishers mad because we were so loud, but we had a blast and laughed so much!
We went swimming. It rained on us while we were there. It was SO muddy. We had to climb up and down a really muddy slope to get to the swimming beach. The kids had fun. It was kinda cold, but really cool to see them just playing and have good fun and not being ornery!!
The kids still talk about our trip and can't wait to do it again!
We went on a night time nature walk. We took our flashlights and went exploring. We got to watch the fireworks explode right over our heads. We even let the kids shoot some off! We actually still have some left over. The kids did great and even helped clean up (after a little persuasion!) We had church Sunday morning on the camp site. We talked about David and Goliath.
The kids love having Taylor on the van. They all have fun being silly!
These kids are why we at CityChurch. Getting them away for a break really helped them. They have been awesome lately. They are still rowdy, but God is really working on all their little hearts. I firmly believe these kids are going to do amazing things!