Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day used to be one of those days I looked forward too for weeks.  But somehow at the end I always end up disappointed.  Not this year.  I'm not one of those people who hate Valentine's, but I am kinda disliking parts of it.  Today we were taking kids home and there were all these vendors on the streets selling these balloons and huge stuffed animals.  It was crazy.  Do people really need a life-size bear to prove that someone loves them?  I have something better than a crazy stuffed bear and chocolates!

Everyday I wake up with the most wonderful man ever.  He goes to work everyday and does a great job.  He supports me in all the crazy ideas I have.  He is gentle and kind when I probably need a slap across the head.  He is always where he says he will be.  He loves our daughter with his whole heart.  He loves God.  He recognizes the hand of God on our lives and he takes it very seriously.  He understands about forgiveness and grace.  He is willing to give of the money he works so hard to earn because he realizies that it's not ours, it's GOD's.  He's leading us on this amazing faith adventure as we step out to love kids whose biological parents can't.  He is the best thing I could have ever hoped for!  Every day I know he will come home.  I will never again walk into an abandoned house.  God has used him to heal so many deep, deep wounds and to teach me so many things. 

Today in my purse at church he gave me the sweetest card I have ever gotten.  He hand-made it.  It was simple, no elaborate poem or fancy engraving.  But it was honestly the best card I have ever received.  It was from his heart.

So, as I think about tomorrow I don't need/want all that junk.  I have a wonderful man who proves his love everyday.  I don't need a big stuffed animal or flowers that will die in a few days.  I have a deep commited love that is so much stronger than the day we got married.  I get what I used to hope for on Valentine's Day every day of the year!!!

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