Monday, May 9, 2011

A Very Special Time

On Easter Sunday our oldest, "Mr. O" made the decision to be baptized.  I know without a shadow of a doubt that he loves the Lord.  I know that Jesus is living in his little heart and that he is looking to the Lord for guidance.  It was the most amazing thing I have witnessed.  It was amazing to see him stepping up and making a profession of his faith.  It was also so sweet to see my husband be able to tell the church about him and to baptize him.  I don't know if there is a sweeter moment in the life of a parent!

Yesterday was almost as sweet.  I still remember the first time I was able to take communion.  I had grown up in church my whole life.  All my grandparents went to church.  I had seen it hundreds of times and passed the plate right by.  I remember feeling so nervous.  At that time, our youth group sat at the very front of the church (like the VERY front three rows).  I was sitting on the very edge of the aisle.  When the plate came, I reached in and broke off a piece of a cracker.  I remember thinking I have something special now.  I also remember thinking ok, now what do I do?  I was scared and excited all at the same time.  It felt like every eye in the church was on me looking to see if I made a mistake.  The first time for me was more about "doing" it right, than focusing on the Lord and what He did for me.  I wanted to be with someone who would guide me and show me what to do, even though I had seen it hundreds of times.
Yesterday was "Mr.O"'s first time to take communion.  When Donnie got up to talk about what communion is, Mr O was sitting with some friends.  As Donnie started talking, Mr. O rushed across the auditorium to sit with us.  He wanted to be near us.  (I remember feeling the same way, but you didn't dare get up during communion at our church!)  He stood right by me as we listened and prayed together.  Then we walked up to the front and got our juice and crackers and sat back down. 

***Yesterday was another day that I was so thankful that we are a part of Citychurch.  Instead of just passing the trays around like traditional churches, we take communion by families.  Each family gets their juice and crackers and then can go to whatever part of the room they want.  We all get a chance to talk to our kids about what communion is and what it really means.  This gives parents a chance to be the spiritual heroes of their kids.*** 

Jackie and I got to talk to Mr O and the rest of our kids about what the significance of each part of the Lord's Supper is.  It was such a sweet time.  At that moment I really felt God's presence.  I hope Mr O will always remember that time.  I hope he will remember the sweetness of the moment and not a sense of fear.

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