Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yard work day!

We took a day last week and worked outside in our backyard. We transplanted some plants from a shady area to a sunny area to see if they would grow as well. Then we dug up some dandelions and studied them. We examined their taproots,stems, seeds, sepals, and petals. We also discovered they are milkweeds. 
Then we cleaned out the veggie garden bed and got it ready for new plants! The boys worked so hard! I'm so thankful their Daddy teaches them how to work hard with their hands. Sure helps this Momma out!
Then we planted our garden. Watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, peanuts, jalapeƱos, cucumbers, patty pan squash, yellow squash, zucchini, string beans, tomatoes, and 3 colors of bell peppers. It was such a fun day and I was so proud of how hard the kids worked. We are in the process of replacing one side of our backyard fence. The kids helped year the old one out and clean up the are so the new one can go up soon. 
We even found an earthworm! Of course Taylor had to hold it! 
We also took a quick field trip and explored two green houses. We saw some beautiful plants. Hopefully I will begin to develop my green thumb and we can keep all this stuff alive and enjoy fresh veggies straight from the backyard! 

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